Monday, 4 August 2014

Been a couple of days...

As always, please ignore the mess of cables.

In the first photo, my orange SmartRap printer, about 90% complete. The thermistor was short circuiting, and the endstops were wired wrong, but apart from that, it is fully operational. I've tested it for motor response, and all tests out. The 100W power supply also powers the attendant RaspberryPi, which hosts the 3D printer queue, currently using OctoPrint, and waiting for the next development release of Bumblebee.

The second photo shows you the result of the arm I had gotten for my Surface Pro, just with the iPad stuffed in it. The iPad is displaying Emerald Time, an app I'd heard about on the time-nuts mailing list. It takes the time from four NTP servers, and gives you an offset compared to internal time of the device. An interesting thing for me, for sure!

The desk is a little cleaner, I got sick of the mess last night, and tried to route as many cables through the hole in the desk at the back. I haven't been totally successful in eliminating all cables from my workspace just yet.

My future plans for Bumblebee is to get a BananaPi, and place it into a FairyWren motherboard, which then goes into a rackmount Mini-ITX case, with a NinjaBlocks Pi Crust stuffed in there too. It'll run a local, backup print queue using OctoPrint, but mostly take the print jobs from my own BotQueue server when I set that up. The Bumblebee host will be able to control the printers operation to the largest degree, using some magic I have on the drawing board.

In some other news, I have been invited to Maker Faire Sydney to show off my 3D scanning rig. That'll be the weekend after I get the rig, and now that Sculptris is on Mac OS X, it makes my life so much more simpler...

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