Friday 18 July 2014

Supercomputers... for the rest of us

Got my hands on a Parallella-16 board a couple of weeks ago - I am taking my time before I power it up, I want to make sure things don't overheat and explode...! Of course, I've been wondering what I could do with such a beast... for instance...

Yes, I want to make one of these. Just cause I believe I can.

By the way, shameless plug - programmer (me!) looking for any kind of programming work. I have some people interested in me doing things for them, but its been quite a battle to even have two coins jingling in my pocket since I moved to Newcastle, and I'm sick of asking adopted family members for loans! I program in eight or so languages:

* Processing/ Arduino
* C/ C++
* Python
* Erlang
* Google Go
* FileMaker

I've also worked on Cisco gear, Ubitquti gear, and archaic Nokia base station equipment (just for kicks - it was a DX200!). I regularly use Arduinos, 3D printers, 3D scanners, and other embedded platforms for my work. I do 3D design and editing, which can then be printed, or exhibited in a web based format. I've worked for museums, architects, six star resorts, and international audio companies. I administrate Linux, Unix and Mac OS X competently. If you ask me nicely I can do Windows work too.

I like to be punctual, task focused, and dedicated. These are things you won't find in a normal contractor, as I take a personal interest in the work I do. Literally, I have been asked to complete the jobs of a lifetime, only to have more work come up. As I set myself up again, I'm just struggling a bit.

I am undertaking a Bachelors degree at the moment - that is up in the air due to my deferral and transfer, I started doing Electrical Engineering, but have thought quite honestly about doing Computer Science. I will be discussing my options with the University of Newcastle in due time. I'm sure you'll agree, uni is not the cheapest exercise in the world, so being able to work while doing it would be surely very good!

Although a cliched line, I do thoroughly enjoy a challenge, and something that makes me stop and think. Try me out - you might be surprised!

As for the Parallella, that story is just beginning...

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